Last weekend aku ke Petshop...saje cuci mata tengok Rabbit...tetiba Apek Petshop dengan selamba angkat Rabbit dengan memegang pada kedua belah telinga Rabbit tu....tergaman aku...coz sebelum nie tak pernah pulak aku tengok orang angkat Rabbit dengan cara pegang aku tanya Apek..."is this the correct step to handling the rabbit?" dengan selamba Apek tu jawap..."of course" .... aduhai...kesian aku tengok rabbit tu...meronta-ronta...mungkin sakit kot bila telinganya terpaksa menanggung beban the whole body....
So...bila balik rumah...aku cuba search kat goggle....carik kaedah yang betul untuk handle rabbit...maka jumpalah kat sini : disebabkan aku terkurang masa untuk menyen-translate-kan dari website ini...harap-harap rakan se-rabbit dapat mempelajari kaedah handling rabbit dengan betul...jangan aniayai rabbit kita....sakit oooo.... buat Apek yang bengong tu...aku pasti akan print pic dari sini dan tunjuk kat dia....harap-harap Apek Petshop tu dapat blajar dari kesalahan....
Carrying a rabbit by the ears is particularly cruel, causing needless pain as well as damage to the cartilage that supports the ears. Suspension of the body or a violent struggle can lead to vertebral luxation or fracture of the spine or neck.
Carrying by only the scruff, without support of the lower spine and posterior limbs is dangerous. Suspension of the body can lead to vertebral column luxation or fracture at the lumbar level (more specifically, the 7th lumbar vertebra).
Kaedah Betul
"On the arm". The lower part of the body is supported by the elbow, while the hand gives support to the front limbs of the rabbit to prevent compression of the chest. The second hand is placed over the shoulders or grasps the loose skin of the neck to enable a good level of control of the rabbit and stop it from attempting to escape.
One hand supports the chest of the rabbit, with fingers resting under its axilla (armpits). To prevent compression of the chest, the front limbs of the rabbit are placed over one hand. The second hand or elbow supports the rabbit's weight and is placed underneath its rump. A rabbit kicking against a hard surface when held may injure or fracture its spine. Hind limbs pointing away from the human's body will reduce struggling by the rabbit and scratching of the human by sharp nails.
If this method is chosen, the rabbit's hind legs should point away from the body of the carrying person, or the rabbit may start to struggle and strike with its feet. Kicking against a hard surface while being held increases the risk of spinal fracture.
The second hand is placed over the shoulders. This allows a good level of control of the rabbit, preventing it from attempting to escape.
Minta maaflah..tak berkesempatan nak translate...coz bizi dengan kemasukkan pelajar baru...In another hand..rakan se-rabbit dapat juga mengasah penguasaan bahasa inggeris...:-)
Praktik-Praktik kan...Selamat Beramal